A cartoon currently on show at the NOT The RA Summer Exhibition, a satirical take on the history of art.Originally published in the Fortean Times.
An oldie from the Fortean Times for TBT. Time to decide.
A cartoon from the marvellous Fortean Times magazine. And for those of you
Another cartoon original from the NOT The RA exhibition on at the Chris Beetles Gallery in London. Originally published in the Spectator magazine.
Opening tomorrow at the Chris Beetles Gallery in Piccadilly, London, is the NOT The RA Summer Show. Some of Britain’s finest cartoonists present their take on the theme of Art.
A cartoon from the June issue of the Fortean Times.
Just how much information is too much?
From the May issue of Prospect magazine.“I’m not afraid of death; I just don’t want to be there when it happens.”
― Woody Allen
Another cartoon from April’s issue of Prospect magazine.
“Don’t believe anything you read on the net. Except this. Well, including this, I suppose.”― Douglas Adams