A cartoon from this month’s edition of the Fortean Times.

“I went to a restaurant that serves “breakfast at any time” so I ordered French toast during the Renaissance.” ― Steven Wright

This week’s Spectator cartoon.

“I don’t want to break the glass ceiling because I know it’ll be muggins here who’ll have to clean up the mess.” Holly Walsh, the News Quiz.

From this week’s edition of the Spectator.

“The unexplainable differentiates into unparalleled self-knowledge” From the inestimably fantasmagorical Random Deepak Chopra Quote Generator.

The website explains:It has been said by some that the thoughts and tweets of Deepak Chopra are indistinguishable from a set of profound sounding words put together in a random… Read More »

A cartoon from February’s issue of Prospect magazine.

Justin is in fact a real person. He does science-y stuff in a remote part of North Eastern Thailand in a place called the Geek Shack. Apparently he also fixes computers.