A cartoon currently on show at the NOT The RA Summer Exhibition, a satirical take on the history of art.Originally published in the Fortean Times.
An oldie from the Fortean Times for TBT. Time to decide.
A cartoon from the June issue of the Fortean Times.
Just how much information is too much?
From July’s edition of the Fortean Times.
From this month’s issue of the Fortean Times.
Or you could always get some of these.
A cartoon from this month’s issue of the rather wonderful Fortean Times.
From the festive issue of the Fortean Times.
A cartoon from October’s issue of the Fortean Times. Also featured at the Galway Cartoon festival exhibition opening soon.
This cartoon was published in the Fortean Times earlier this year but last week, after being featured on the Quantum Activist‘s FaceBook page it seems to have gone viral. If anyone would like to buy a limited edition print please email caz(at)thesurrealmccoy.com
One from the vaults of the Fortean Times, originally published several years ago.