Opening in Norfolk this Saturday is the Black Dog art exhibition and this cartoon will be featured there as part of the Outstanding In The Field festival. The exhibition aims to raise awareness of mental illness and will be running until July 19th 2014. More from the Eastern Daily Press.

Another cartoon from the Pastiche, Parody and Piracy exhibition.

Appropriation has long been a tool used in art, and has always been divisive in its understanding and acceptance. The pieces in this exhibition play with other people’s ideas and pre-existing works to showcase a selection of contemporary appropriation in art that is… Read More »

One of my cartoons at the Pastiche, Parody and Piracy exhibition opening this Thursday at the Cob Gallery, London.

Artist Miriam Elia, Curator Camilla Ellingsen Webster and Cartoonist Jeremy Banx seek to demonstrate the importance of appropriation in art and satire. Appropriation has long been a tool used in art, and has always… Read More »

From this week’s edition of the Spectator.“It’s not me who can’t keep a secret. It’s the people I tell that can’t.” ― Abraham Lincoln

Today The Grapes Of Math by Alex Bellos is published in the USA by Simon & Schuster. Here’s one of the illustrations by The Surreal McCoy.“Bellos’s book is sprinkled with similarly surprising revelations about familiar mathematical objects … Bellos has a fantastic knack of making you feel as if you’re sharing… Read More »

A cartoon from this month’s edition of the Fortean Times.

“I went to a restaurant that serves “breakfast at any time” so I ordered French toast during the Renaissance.” ― Steven Wright

This week’s Spectator cartoon.

“I don’t want to break the glass ceiling because I know it’ll be muggins here who’ll have to clean up the mess.” Holly Walsh, the News Quiz.