From this week’s edition of the Spectator magazine.A familiar anguished lament from the bedrooms of budding singer-songwriters everywhere. The misery album’s popularity knows no bounds and continues to make its exponents happy and rich.

This cartoon appears in the September issue of the Fortean Times, the Journal of Strange Phenomena.

The Fortean Times is a British monthly magazine devoted to the anomalous phenomena popularised by Charles Fort an American who spent most of his life researching the odd, the unusual and the unexplained.

From this month’s issue of the Oldie.

“Warning: the Internet may contain traces of nuts.” ~Author Unknown

“Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach that person to use the Internet and they won’t bother you for weeks.” ~Author Unknown

“The Internet is the world’s… Read More »

As seen in the July issue of Prospect magazine.And who doesn’t love being on holiday? If you’re not going anywhere nice here’s something fun to do to while away a rainy afternoon.